It's true what they say-- you never stop learning.
One bright side to our current situation is that it has given us the ability (and in some cases, time) to seek out different sources of knowledge. Classes and resources of all kinds have become virtual in recent months, making it easy to learn new things in the comfort of our own homes. As the weather gets cooler, now is the best time to start learning.
Why take up a new hobby or sign up for a class? For one, learning new things has been proven to help build resilience. Confronting unfamiliar situations and topics throughout the learning process makes it easier to navigate the uncertainties and challenges of life. It can also help us keep our minds active and our mental health in check, especially during these difficult times. Plus, it's fun!
Here are some ways you can start learning today:
Take college classes online

Ever wonder what it would be like to take a class at Yale? With Coursera, you can find out. Coursera is a website that offers several classes taught by professors from well-known universities for free. Take courses on your own time and make your own deadlines. If you want a certificate of completion, you may pay a little extra. Otherwise, you can still access the coursework free of cost!
This is also the best time for those interested in advancing their formal education. With many institutions of higher education from community colleges to universities moving online, the opportunities to earn college credit are becoming increasingly abundant.
Explore what the public library (online) has to offer

The public library is a great resource to get that book you've always wanted to read. Many libraries have introduced digital library cards as a result of the closures this spring. That way, if you don't already have a card, it's simple to sign up for one online! In recent years, several libraries have expanded their ebook and audiobook offerings, even the most niche offerings are accessible in a digital format. In addition, some have partnered with online digital media services like Hoopla to provide access to movies, music, and TV shows for free!
Exercise with an online community

Always wanted to learn how to dance? Interested in pilates? As gyms have remained closed or in limited capacity, there are more fitness classes taught online than ever before. It is also now easier than ever to find a class at a time that works best with your schedule and learn from instructors in different time zones. In recent months, we have loved supporting small and locally-owned gyms and studios. Our favorites these days: Ashlee's Crazy Yoga, Yoga Sanctuary, and Las Vegas Pilates. Another great (and free) resource is YouTube, where it's possible to find free classes on anything from hip-hop dancing to HIIT workouts.
Take up a new hobby

Thanks to the internet, it is so easy to learn from hobbyists. Interested in upgrading your garden? There are YouTube videos to get you excited. Want to get crafty? Pinterest is the place to go. Patreon and Skillshare are also great places to support small artists and creatives!
Professional Development and Mentoring

If career advancement is something you are interested in, this is the perfect time to do it. Why not lay low while simultaneously taking advantage of courses and mentoring opportunities that are increasingly being offered online? For yogis out there, we recommend Jules Mitchell Yoga for livestream events, virtual courses, webinars, mentoring and more.
We are so excited to cozy up this fall and put our brains to good use. If you are learning something new this season, we'd love to hear from you! Connect with us on social media @Zeetabody on instagram and Zeeta Body on facebook.
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing. Much needed! 💗🙏🏻